I've been crazy busy lately (just excuse) Because,There are Xmas and My Birth Day on December.Yeah!!
In japan,Most people spend time with girlfriend or boyfriend on Xmas day(We don't care religion things)
In US,Most people(I think,specialty in ny) going back to home town to celebrate Xmas with family.
This year,We(people not going back to home town)decided to make a small party for Xmas!!
Of caurse, Xmas tree!!!
Of course,Presents under the Xmas tree.(Santa came for Yuki!!!)
Of course,Mould Wine(by Rich.sweet!!)
Of course,Pork shoulder(by Eric. delicious!!Thanks)
Of course,Ate too much.
Of course,Chocolate,Brown sugar and marshmallow in the apple???!!(by......?)
Anyway,I had a good time with them and had special dishes.